Nominations for Elected Positions open May 1. Nominations should be emailed to becky.paschke@jeffco.k12.co.us
2025 Board Positions Open to Election
1st Vice-President
Western Area Representative
Southern Area Representative
Central mountain area Representative
MIDDle School Representative
recording secretary
Even Year Elected Positions Job Descriptions
We are always looking for the best people to fill our elected offices. Click on the links below to find out the duties and time commitment each office entails. All interested candidates for any office should contact Becky Paschke (becky.paschke@jeffco.k12.co.us) if you have any questions, and for complete information on what is needed for the official ballot.
2nd Vice-president (Elected in Even Years)
Metro, Northern and Small School Representatives (Elected in Even Years)
President Elect (Elected in Even Years)
A President-Elect serves a six year term (2 as President-Elect, 2 as President and 2 as Past President)
Odd Year Elected Positions Job Descriptions
We are always looking for the best people to fill our elected offices. Click on the links below to find out the duties and time commitment each office entails. All interested candidates for any office should contact Becky Paschke (becky.paschke@jeffco.k12.co.us) if you have any questions, and for complete information on what is needed for the official ballot.