Welcome to CBA!
We're glad you've joined!
The strength of CBA is it's members and you have joined an organization with over fifty years of experience in helping Colorado band directors become their very best.
Every school/director is assigned to a CBA region (Northern, Metro, Southern, Western or Central Mountain) and each region has an area representative. Their job is to help celebrate your successes, and serve as a resource to help you. In addition, any director (regardless of school size) may receive the services of the small school representative - there to help with the specialized challenges of rural and small schools - or smaller programs in large schools. If you do not hear from your area representative - visit the "Board" page to contact them.
We have created a member handbook that outlines not only CBA, but many of the other music organizations and what they have to offer. We encourage you to download a copy and use it as a resource
Finally, we are in the process of creating a mentor program to assist new directors (both new teachers and teachers new to Colorado) and give you some additional resources. Visit the "Mentor Project" page for more information
Colorado is a great state with very supportive colleagues. Each and every director wants you to succeed, and you will find that the members of CBA will be more than happy to help out - all you need to do is ask.