Michael Sweeney
2015 Summer Convention with Michael Sweeney, Andy Cook and Chris Kreke
Convention Program
CBA Middle School Jazz Literature - Dan Bell, Cheyenne Mountain Middle School
Music With A Purpose - Michael Sweeney, Hal Leonard
Making the Circuit Breaker Your Friend - Ward Durrett
Mallets to Music: Tips on Teaching Percussion at the Middle School Level
Mentoring in the Colorado Bandmasters Association - Casey Cropp, Retired
Developing the Total Band Program - Andy Cook and Chris Kreke
Making Life Easier - Michael Vallez, Westminster High School
Demystifying High School Strings - Nancy Marble and Courtney Strauss
Strings Tricks to get you Started - Nancy Marble and Courtney Strauss
Establishing Great Fundamentals for Wind Players on Day 1 - Mike Perez, Kinard Middle School
Embedding Writing into Rehearsal (Without Loosing Your Mind... Or Your Rehearsal) - Ilse Reardon
Even More New Music for Concert Band - Dr. Ken Singleton, University of Northern Colorado
Band Reading Session - Dr. Ken Singleton, University of Northern Colorado
Hal Leonard Standard Repertoire - Michael Sweeney, Hal Leonard
Essential Elements Interactive - Michael Sweeney, Hal Leonard
Music with a Purpose - Michael Sweeney, Hal Leonard
Concert Band Reading Session - Michael Sweeney, Hal Leonard
Helpful tips for enabling chamber music self-sufficiency - USAF Academy Winds